2023 Momentum (Or lack of)

It feels funny and ironic that I am writing my new year’s blog in November of this year, but it’s a good reflection of how it has been quite honestly. As you all know by now I choose a word as a theme every year to base my year around and to guide my goals…

2020. Hardships and miracles.

It’s a relaxing Sunday morning in March. And here in the UK spring is finally starting to slowly blossom into life. I felt that it was time to write my annual 2021 word of the year post. However, opening my drafts I found this review of 2020 that I had honestly forgotten about. Sometimes part…

2020. Clarity. Community. Collaboration.

    Hello beautiful beings, I’m laughing at writing my New Year’s blog…in mid-May, but isn’t time an illusion anyway. ;) And as the world is a little upside down and back to front right now, it doesn’t feel like a year of doing things as we used to. It certainly isn’t business as usual….

Illuminate, Activate, Create

Hello beautiful beings, So here we are at a brand new year filled with new possibilities. I always love the energy of the new year. The collective motivation to create new beginnings, let go of the old and move forwards in the direction of our dreams. I loved the featured image of the doorway, to…

What in the world are we waiting for?

Hello beautiful beings, So after an incredible summer filled with further adventures, pilgrimages, life experiences, healing, plenty of nature exploring and simply being. I am back to share with you all. It has been a deeply transformative time of letting go of all that holds me back, that keeps me from expressing myself from my…

Darling, let us be explorers

  Hello beautiful beings, I hope you are all well. I have returned to Sussex to find England absolutely blossoming into life. Spring making itself known in full technicolour. Beautiful forests blanketed with bluebells. Cherry blossom trees lining the road sides in confetti and lush green trees opening their buds with fresh leaves. It’s beautiful…

Liberated and Emerging

Hello beautiful beings. What a strange year 2017 has been. I feel as if it has flown by, as well as been a long journey for many of us. Packed full of life experiences, present moments, important life lessons and revelations. Many have been tested. Their belief systems broken down again and again. There have…

2017 Year of Liberation

Hello beautiful people. If you are reading this you survived 2016, hurrah! It has certainly been a whirlwind, a rollercoaster and a journey. For me it has been intense, it has been painful, it has been blissful, enlightening. It has brought me through wonder, crying in gratitude, crying in heartache, just lots of crying in…

The caterpillar, the cocoon, the butterfly

Hello beautiful people, During this awakening there have been many phases of expansion and contraction, flowing through phases of emanating our light to fearlessly going within to work on anything inside that dulls us, that is long outdated. Of course we want to be the butterflies NOW, centre of the limelight in all of our…

Portals, portals everywhere

Hello beautiful people I felt guided to share this post today. It is a short message I channeled at Glastonbury abbey while mesmerised by the beauty of the ruins. I also had a very powerful beautiful experience watching the sunrise at the Tor in Glastonbury through the doorway at 5.30am and meditated up there for…

We The Starseeds

Hello beautiful people, as I am nearing the end of this year, all I can say is wow. It has been an adventure I can barely put into words, the experiences I have had, the revelations, the visions, the universal truths have been so blissful, painful, epic and mind-blowing that I just don’t see anything…

Give Peace a Chance

Hello beautiful people, Ok so it has been a couple of months since my last blog on here, I assure you I’ve been busy both work related and spiritually. My awakening journey has been so beautifully intense, so illuminating, so many lessons, so many emotions. It has been a wild ride and I am just…

Falling in love with New Earth

Hello beautiful beings, Things have really been stepping up a gear so to speak the last few weeks and after some deep internal work to let go of any deep-rooted issues that are still holding me back I am starting to feel a bit of internal lightness, openness and seeing all around me in a…