Who am I?

The ultimate philosophical question. Through my life experiences and writing I hope to find out. In the meantime…..

I am a Psychology graduate, healthcare practitioner, mystic, writer and spiritual explorer. I am inspired by how we can awaken this world, each other, step into our power and see this world for the beauty it is. Treating each other with compassion, helping one another to rise.

My journey has led me to explore the nature of what it is to be human, to be conscious, to meet our potential and to live in vitality.  Explored through academic study, my own life experiences, shamanic healing in indigenous cultures, as well as seeking out many weird and wonderful experiences and events. All to answer; how we can integrate healing of the mind, body and spirit to not only survive, but to thrive and find out what we are capable of.

After an awakening I quickly transitioned into channelling, writing poetry from the soul and having visions and extra sensory experiences that have opened up a whole new world of beauty and inspiration.  For further adventures and sharings please visit my  YouTube channel “aiyanarosel101” and Facebook page “aiyana rosel”.

For enquires and co-creations please contact aiyana_rosel@hotmail.co.uk




5 Comments Add yours

  1. zoedizzle says:

    Hi lovely, nice blog started reading the first couple very honest beautiful and I also had a beautiful day today connecting outside with the grounding energies of nature and the insects :). I just came to say hi and to connect. I am updating and changing platforms so won’t be using WordPress blog site anymore but the new one with my Centeral America travels will be uploaded soon onto http://www.zoedavenport.co.uk it’s till being sorted for the minute but wanted to say hi and send love x

    1. I_am_love says:

      thankyou lovely for your kind comments :) That sounds beautiful being in nature and connecting deeply, it really is beautiful :) Ooh sounds amazing, would like to read about your adventures when your sites ready, I’m feeling very drawn to america at the moment and the many beautiful national parks and high vibrational places like sedona, keep me posted! lots of love xyx

  2. Lucky N Faith, Dennis Rediske, Drift Lucky Walker says:

    We are on the same journey. We have a Hay House- Balboa Publishing book we presented to the world in 2015.

    We now have a live performance to help others awaken. It includes one of my NDE’s and since it is live, we can cater to the audience.

    We are going to share your story in hopes others will help you complete your book of awakening.

    We are a fan of your poetry and that you are awake and helping others.

    Wish us Luck!

    Lucky N Faith

    1. I_am_love says:

      Lovely thank you for your support. Sounds interesting I would like to read it :)

  3. still to busy in my mind,
    every letter you write,
    every thought is so beautifully,
    please forgive,
    your writing touches me,
    where does is come from,
    is it spirit,
    that tells you the story of being alive,
    we focus so oft on people,
    as the centre of our life,
    there must me more,
    beyond the veil of life,
    a story that unfolds,
    what we can’t see is there,
    life unfolds,
    a mistery called love,
    a touch from God,
    through the words you write,
    so beautifull Aiyana,
    there must be another life,
    unseen with our eyes,
    that unfolds when you write,
    the mistery of life,
    thank you for sharing your words Rosel.


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